Sad Quotes in Nepali and English for Social Media
Everyone experiences sadness, and verbalizing it can frequently provide comfort. These depressing sayings in Nepali and English can strike a chord with your followers whether you're using Facebook or Instagram to express your emotions.
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Sad Quotes👇⬇
- प्रेमले त दुख्दैन, तर आशाले हरेक दिन आँसु झार्छ।
Love doesn't hurt, but hope sheds tears every day.
- कसैको माया पाउन समय लाग्छ, तर गुमाउन एक क्षण।
It takes time to gain love but just a moment to lose it.
- कसैले आँसु देख्दैन, तर यो मनले हरेक रात रुन्छ।
No one sees the tears, but this heart cries every night.
- जीवनको यात्रा लामो छ, तर कहिलेकाहीँ एक्लोपन अझ लामो हुन्छ।
Life's journey is long, but loneliness feels even longer.
- दुखको परिभाषा बुझ्न, पहिले प्रेम गर्नुपर्छ।
To understand the meaning of pain, you must first love.
- आशा गर्यो, प्रेम गर्यो, तर अन्ततः आँसु मात्रै पाएँ।
I hoped, I loved, but in the end, all I got were tears.
- दुःख पनि एउटा साथी हो, जो कहिल्यै छोड्दैन।
Pain is a friend that never leaves your side.
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- कहिले काहीं, मौनता नै सबैभन्दा ठूलो चिच्याहट हो।
Sometimes, silence is the loudest scream.
- मायाको शब्द मीठो हुन्छ, तर गुमाउनुको शब्द जहिल्यै तीतो।
The words of love are sweet, but the words of loss are always bitter.
- जीवनको रंगहरु हरायो, जब तिमी टाढा भयौं।
When you left, life lost its color.
- म मुस्कान दिन्छु बाहिर, तर भित्र एक जिन्दगी खेर गइरहेको छ।
I smile on the outside, but inside, a life is fading away.
- तिमीले दिएको सम्झनाहरु जहिल्यै बिर्सन सक्दिन।
I'll never forget the memories you left behind.
- माया कहिल्यै झुटो थिएन, तर सधैं अधुरो रह्यो।
Love was never a lie; nonetheless, it was always imperfect.
- दुःख केवल मेरो छाया हो, जसलाई कहिल्यै छोड्न सक्दिन।
Sadness is my shadow, and I can never leave it behind.
- सपना देख्न सजिलो थियो, तर तिनीहरू टुट्दा जीवन कठिन भयो।
Dreaming was easy, but life became more difficult when they were shattered.
- एक्लोपनले घेरिएको मेरो संसारमा, तिमी मेरो उज्यालो थियौं।
In a world full of loneliness, you were my light.
- हराएको माया कहिल्यै फर्कंदैन, केवल सम्झनाहरु बाँचिरहन्छन्।
Lost love never returns; only memories remain.
- तिमीले दिएको हाँसो हरायो, जब तिमी टाढा भयौं।
The laughter you gave me evaporated as you went away.
- मायाको कुनै मोल हुँदैन, तर त्यसले जिन्दगीको मूल्य लिन्छ।
Love has no price, yet it costs a lifetime.
- तिमी बिना म अधुरो छु, तर तिमीले कहिल्यै महसुस गरेनौ।
I feel incomplete without you, yet you never noticed.
- जीवनको हरेक खुशी तिमीमा थियो, र हरेक दुख तिमीबाट।
You were the source of all joy and pain in life.
Sad Quotes for Facebook and Insta |
- एक पटक प्रेम गर्यो, तर यो जिन्दगीभरको घाउ बन्यो।
I loved once, but the wound lasted a lifetime.
- भरोसा गर्यो, तर मनलाई टुक्रा टुक्रा बनाइयो।
I trusted, yet my heart was ripped apart.
- संसार हाँसिरहेको छ, तर मेरो मन भित्र आँधी छ।
The rest of the world is laughing, but a storm is brewing inside me.
- तिमी मेरो कथा थियौं, तर अब म केवल एउटा अधुरो पाना छु।
You were my story, but now I am just an incomplete chapter.
You can connect with people who understand your feelings and heal by expressing your unhappiness. We all experience anguish, longing, and deep grief at some time in our lives, and these 25 depressing quotations in Nepali and English are meant to convey that. These quotes enable you to express your feelings honestly on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, fostering empathy and understanding. Remind yourself that sadness is normal and that there will always be better days.
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Sad English Quotes
Heartbreaking Quotes
Emotional Quotes for Social Media
Love and Loss Quotes
Nepali and English Quotes
Sadness Quotes
Instagram Sad Quotes
Facebook Sad Quotes